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Creating an ESPHome Device


ESPHome support is currently a work-in-progress. Currently there is only a single component, powerfeather_mainboard.


Since the components lives out-of-tree from the official esphome repository, ESPHome needs to know where the external components are. This can be done with the following snippet:

- source:
type: git
ref: main # for latest version of the component, can also be another branch or tag
components: [powerfeather_mainboard]


This component allows easy access to the PowerFeather's power monitoring and management features.


In order to actually use the component, its basic configuration needs to be specified:

id: "my_powerfeather"
battery_capacity: 1000 # 1000 mAh
battery_type: "Generic_3V7" # generic Lipo/Li-ion cell
update_interval: 5s # sensors are updated every 5s
  • battery_capacity: the design capacity of the battery connected to the board, minimum 50 mAh; defaults to 0 mAh if not specified (assumes no battery is connected - some sensors might not work).
  • battery_type: type of LiPo/Li-Ion battery connected to the board (other values are "ICR18650_26H" and "UR18650ZY"); defaults to Generic_3V7 if not specified.
  • id: identifier for the current board; used in sensor, switch, etc. configuration
  • update_interval: how often the sensors (all types) are updated, defaults to 10s if not specified.


The required arguments are platform and mainboard_id. For platform, specify "powerfeather_mainboard".

For mainboard_id, specify the same as id in the powerfeather_mainboard main configuration.

- platform: "powerfeather_mainboard"
mainboard_id: "my_powerfeather"
name: "Supply Voltage"
name: "Supply Current"
name: "Battery Voltage"
name: "Battery Current"
name: "Battery Charge"
name: "Battery Health"
name: "Battery Cycles"
name: "Battery Time Left"
name: "Battery Temperature"

Pick and choose from below which sensors are enabled:

  • supply_voltage: supply voltage plugged into the USB port or VDC pin, in mV.
  • supply_current: current supplied by the USB or VDC supply, in mA.
  • battery_voltage: battery voltage in mV.
  • battery_current: battery current in mA, negative when discharging and positive when charging.
  • battery_charge: battery charge level estimate in percent
  • battery_health: battery health estimate in percent
  • battery_cycles: battery cycles estimate count
  • battery_time_left: time-to-full/time-to-empty in minutes, negative when discharging and positive when charging.
  • battery_temperature: battery temperature measured from the 103AT thermistor connected to the TS pin in celsius.

For each of the above a name should be specified, which serves as the corresponding sensor's label in the dashboard.

Binary Sensor

The required arguments are platform and mainboard_id. For platform, specify "powerfeather_mainboard".

For mainboard_id, specify the same as id in the powerfeather_mainboard main configuration.

- platform: "powerfeather_mainboard"
mainboard_id: "my_powerfeather"
name: "Supply Good"
  • supply_good: indicates if the supply (USB or VDC) is good, as determined by the battery charger IC.

A name should be specified, which serves as the binary sensor's label in the dashboard.


The required arguments are platform and mainboard_id. For platform, specify "powerfeather_mainboard".

For mainboard_id, specify the same as id in the powerfeather_mainboard main configuration.

- platform: "powerfeather_mainboard"
mainboard_id: "my_powerfeather"
name: "Enable 3V3"
name: "Enable VSQT"
name: "Enable Battery Temperature Sense"
name: "Enable Battery Charging"
name: "Enable Battery Fuel Gauge"
name: "Enable STAT LED"

Pick and choose from below which switches are available:

  • enable_3V3: enables/disables 3.3V output on the 3V3 pin
  • enable_VSQT: enables/disables the 3.3V output on the STEMMA QT header; note that by disabling this, access to the fuel gauge and charger IC is also disabled, disabling most power monitoring and management.
  • enable_battery_temp_sense: enables/disables battery temperature sensing.
  • enable_battery_charging: enables/disables battery charging.
  • enable_battery_fuel_gauge: enables/disables the battery fuel gauge; note that by disabling this some sensors will be also be disabled.
  • enable_stat: enables/disables the STAT LED from turning on during charging, or blinking in error conditions.

For each of the above a name should be specified, which serves as the corresponding switch's label in the dashboard.


The required arguments are platform and mainboard_id. For platform, specify "powerfeather_mainboard".

For mainboard_id, specify the same as id in the powerfeather_mainboard main configuration.

- platform: "powerfeather_mainboard"
mainboard_id: "my_powerfeather"
name: "Supply Maintain Voltage"
name: "Battery Charging Max Current"
  • supply_maintain_voltage: the charger IC regulates current draw such that the supply voltage does not go below this value; can also be thought of the supply's max-power-point voltage.
  • battery_charging_max_current: the maximum current at which the charger IC should charge the battery.

For each of the above a name should be specified, which serves as the corresponding number's label in the dashboard.


The required arguments are platform and mainboard_id. For platform, specify "powerfeather_mainboard".

For mainboard_id, specify the same as id in the powerfeather_mainboard main configuration.

- platform: "powerfeather_mainboard"
mainboard_id: "my_powerfeather"
name: "Ship Mode"
name: "Shutdown"
name: "Powercycle"
  • ship_mode: put the board in ship mode, a low-power (~1.5uA) power state which can only be exited by pulling QON low or plugging in a supply.
  • shutdown: put the board in ship mode, a low-power (~1.4uA) power state which can only be exited by plugging in a supply.
  • powercycle: powercycle the components on the board powered by the charger IC (not just a reset of the board's microcontroller).

For each of the above a name should be specified, which serves as the corresponding buttons's label in the dashboard.