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class Mainboard

enum class BatteryType

  • Generic_3V7 Generic Li-ion/LiPo, 3.7 V nominal and 4.2 V max
  • ICR18650_26H Samsung ICR18650-26H
  • UR18650ZY Panasonic UR18650ZY

Result init(uint16_t capacity = 0, BatteryType type = BatteryType::Generic_3V7)


Initialize the board power management and monitoring features.


Initializes the battery charger, battery fuel gauge and other hardware related to power management and monitoring.

Sets the following defaults:

  • EN: high
  • 3V3: enabled
  • VSQT: enabled
  • Charging: disabled
  • Maximum battery charging current: 50 mA
  • Maintain supply voltage: 4600 mV
  • Fuel gauge: enabled if capacity is non-zero; disabled if capacity is zero
  • Battery temperature sense: disabled
  • Battery alarms (low charge, high/low voltage): disabled

This function should be called once, before calling all other Mainboard functions.


  • capacity [in] The capacity of the connected Li-ion/LiPo battery in milliamp-hours (mAh), from 50 mAh to 6000 mAh. A value of zero indicates that no battery is connected, and therefore some of the other Mainboard functions will return Result::InvalidState. If using multiple batteries connected in parallel, specify only the capacity for one cell. Ignored when type is BatteryType::ICR18650_26H or BatteryType::UR18650ZY.
  • type [in] Type of Li-ion/LiPo battery; ignored when capacity is zero, except when value is BatteryType::ICR18650_26H or BatteryType::UR18650ZY.


Returns Result::Ok if the board was initialized successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result setEN(bool high)


Set EN pin high or low.


This is useful for enabling or disabling connected Feather Wings to reduce power consumption.


  • high [in] If true, EN is set high; if false, EN is set low.


Returns Result::Ok if EN was set high or low successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result enable3V3(bool enable)


Enable or disable 3V3.


Enables or disables 3V3, the 3.3 V header pin power output. When disabled, power to the connected loads on 3V3 is cut, reducing power consumption.


  • enable [in] If true, 3V3 is enabled; if fals, 3V3 is disabled.


Returns Result::Ok if 3V3 was enabled or disabled successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result enableVSQT(bool enable)


Enable or disable VSQT.


Enables or disables VSQT, the 3.3 V STEMMA QT power output. When disabled, power to the connected STEMMA QT modules is cut, reducing power consumption.

A side effect of disabling VSQT is that communications to the battery charger and fuel gauge is also disabled. This means that some of the other Mainboard functions will return Result::InvalidState when VSQT is disabled. Make sure to enable VSQT prior to calling these functions.


  • enable [in] If true, VSQT is enabled; if false, VSQT is disabled.


Returns Result::Ok if VSQT was enabled or disabled successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result enableSTAT(bool enable)


Enable or disable the STAT LED.


Normally, the STAT LED turns on when charging, or blinks when there is an error preventing charging (when battery temperature exceeds the set threshold, for example). This function can enable/disable this LED from turning on in these cases.

One instance where disabling this LED is desirable is during low-sunlight charging conditions, where the current extracted from the solar panel should be used to charge the battery as much as possible.


  • enable [in] If true, STAT LED is enabled; if false, STAT LED is disabled.


Returns Result::Ok if STAT LED was enabled or disabled successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result getSupplyVoltage(uint16_t &voltage)


Measure the supply voltage.


Measures the VUSB or VDC voltage. VUSB is the power input from the USB-C connector, while VDC is the power input from the header pin. Resolution is 4 mV.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

This function can block for 100 ms.


  • voltage [out] The measured voltage in millivolts (mV).


Returns Result::Ok if the supply voltage was measured successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result getSupplyCurrent(int16_t &current)


Measure the supply current.


Measures the current drawn from VUSB or VDC. VUSB is the power input from the USB-C connector, while VDC is the power input from the header pin. Resolution is 2 mA.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

This function can block for 100 ms.


  • voltage [out] The measured current draw in milliamperes (mA).


Returns Result::Ok if the supply current was measured successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result checkSupplyGood(bool &good)


Check if the supply is good.


Checks if the supply, whether VUSB or VDC is good as determined by the battery charger. A good supply means that it powers the board and connected loads, not the battery.


  • good [out] If true, the charger has determined the supply to be good; false if not.


Returns Result::Ok if the supply was checked successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result setSupplyMaintainVoltage(uint16_t voltage)


Set the supply voltage to maintain.


The battery charger dynamically regulates the current drawn from the supply to prevent it from collapsing under the set voltage to maintain. This is useful for specifying the maximum power point (MPP) voltage if using a solar panel; allowing the battery charger to extract power from the panel at near-MPPT effectiveness.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.


  • voltage [in] The supply voltage to maintain in millivolts (mV), up to 16800 mV.


Returns Result::Ok if the supply voltage to maintain was set successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result enterShipMode()


Enter ship mode.


Ship mode is a power state that only consumes around 1.5 μA. Only the battery charger and the battery fuel gauge is powered.

This mode can only be entered into if the battery is powering the board and connected loads; that is, if Mainboard::checkSupplyGood output parameter good is false.

Ship mode can be exited by either (1) pulling QON header pin low for around 800 ms or (2) connecting a power supply which the battery charger determines to be good.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

This function can block for 30 ms if it fails to enter ship mode.


Does not return if ship mode was successfully entered into; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result enterShutdownMode()


Enter shutdown mode.


Shutdown mode is a power state that only consumes around 1.4 μA. Only the battery charger and the battery fuel gauge is powered.

This mode can only be entered into if the battery is powering the board and connected loads; that is, if Mainboard::checkSupplyGood output parameter good is false.

Shutdown mode can only be exited by connecting a power supply which the battery charger determines to be good.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

This function can block for 30 ms if it fails to enter shutdown mode.


Does not return if shutdown mode was successfully entered into; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result doPowerCycle()


Perform a power cycle.


For all components on the board and connected loads, except the battery fuel gauge and loads connected to VS (supply output header pin, whichever of VUSB and VDC), the power cycle provides complete reset by removing power and re-applying it after a short delay.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.


Does not return if a power cycle was performed successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result enableBatteryCharging(bool enable)


Enable or disable battery charging.


This is useful when opting to not fully charge a battery in order to prolong its lifespan.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

A non-zero capacity or type of BatteryType::ICR18650_26H/BatteryType::UR18650ZY should have been specified when Mainboard::init was called, else Result::InvalidState is returned.


  • enable [in] If true, battery charging is enabled; if false, battery charging is disabled.


Returns Result::Ok if battery charging was enabled or disabled successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result setBatteryChargingMaxCurrent(uint16_t current)


Set maximum battery charging current.


Ensures that the battery is not charged with a current more than the amount specified using this function. This is useful for batteries with small capacities, since it is not recommended to charge a battery at more than 1C. For example, when charging a 550 mAh battery, a current of no more than 550 mA is recommended. That current limit of 550 mA can be specified using this function.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

A non-zero capacity or type of BatteryType::ICR18650_26H/BatteryType::UR18650ZY should have been specified when Mainboard::init was called, else Result::InvalidState is returned.


  • current [in] The maximum charging current in milliamps (mA), up to 2000 mA.


Returns Result::Ok if the maximum battery charging current was set successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result enableBatteryTempSense(bool enable)


Enable or disable battery temperature measurement.


Enables or disables battery temperature measurement using the thermistor connected to the TS pin. If enabled, aside from measurement, the battery charger performs temperature-based battery charging current reduction or cutoff.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

A non-zero capacity or type of BatteryType::ICR18650_26H/BatteryType::UR18650ZY should have been specified when Mainboard::init was called, else Result::InvalidState is returned.


  • enable [in] If true, battery temperature measurement is enabled; if false, battery temperature measurement is disabled.


Returns Result::Ok if the battery temperature measurement was enabled or disabled successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result enableBatteryFuelGauge(bool enable)


Enable or disable the battery fuel guage.


Disabling the battery fuel guage can save around 0.5 μA. However, once disabled, it cannot keep track of battery information such as voltage, charge, health, cycle count, etc. Nonetheless, this is useful when trying to reduce power as much as possible, such as when going into ship mode or shutdown mode for a long time.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

A non-zero capacity or type of BatteryType::ICR18650_26H/BatteryType::UR18650ZY should have been specified when Mainboard::init was called, else Result::InvalidState is returned.


  • enable [in] If true, the battery fuel gauge is enabled; if false, the battery fuel gauge is disabled.


Returns Result::Ok if the battery fuel gauge was enabled or disabled successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result getBatteryVoltage(uint16_t &voltage)


Measure battery voltage.


Resolution is 2 mV.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

A non-zero capacity or type of BatteryType::ICR18650_26H/BatteryType::UR18650ZY should have been specified when Mainboard::init was called, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

This function can block for 100 ms.


  • voltage [out] Measured battery voltage in millivolts (mV).


Returns Result::Ok if the battery voltage was measured successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result getBatteryCurrent(int16_t &current)


Measure battery current.


Measures the current to or from the battery during charging and discharging, respectively. Resolution is 4 mA.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

A non-zero capacity or type of BatteryType::ICR18650_26H/BatteryType::UR18650ZY should have been specified when Mainboard::init was called, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

This function can block for 100 ms.


  • current [out] Measured battery voltage in milliamps (mA). If battery is discharging, this value is negative; positive if battery is charging.


Returns Result::Ok if the battery current was measured successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result getBatteryCharge(uint8_t &percent)


Estimate battery charge.


Gives an estimate of battery state-of-charge from 0% to 100%. This is useful to get a sense if the battery still has much charge or is nearly empty.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

A non-zero capacity or type of BatteryType::ICR18650_26H/BatteryType::UR18650ZY should have been specified when Mainboard::init was called, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

The battery fuel gauge must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.


  • percent [out] Estimated battery charge in percent, from 0% to 100%.


Returns Result::Ok if the battery charge was estimated successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result getBatteryHealth(uint8_t &percent)


Estimate battery health.


Gives an estimate of battery state-of-health from 0% to 100%. This is useful to get a sense of how much the battery has degraded over time.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

A non-zero capacity or type of BatteryType::ICR18650_26H/BatteryType::UR18650ZY should have been specified when Mainboard::init was called, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

The battery fuel gauge must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.


  • percent [out] Estimated battery health in percent, from 0% to 100%.


Returns Result::Ok if the battery health was estimated successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result getBatteryCycles(uint16_t &cycles)


Estimate battery cycle count.


Gives an estimate of the battery cycle count. This is useful to compare against the number of cycle counts the battery is rated for.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

A non-zero capacity or type of BatteryType::ICR18650_26H/BatteryType::UR18650ZY should have been specified when Mainboard::init was called, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

The battery fuel gauge must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.


  • cycles [out] Estimated battery cycle count.


Returns Result::Ok if the battery cycle count was estimated successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result getBatteryTimeLeft(int &minutes)


Estimate time left for battery to charge or discharge.


Gives an estimate of the battery time-to-empty or time-to-full in minutes. The battery charge must have previously dropped and/or risen by a certain percentage to be able to estimate time-to-empty or time-to-full, respectively; else Result::NotReady is returned.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

A non-zero capacity or type of BatteryType::ICR18650_26H/BatteryType::UR18650ZY should have been specified when Mainboard::init was called, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

The battery fuel gauge must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.


  • minutes [out] Estimated time left for battery to charge or discharge in minutes. If battery is discharging, this value is negative; if battery is charging, this value is positive.


Returns Result::Ok if the time left for battery to charge or discharge was estimated successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result getBatteryTemperature(float &celsius)


Measure battery temperature.


Requires a Semitec 103AT thermistor to be connected to the TS pin and attached to the battery for the measurement to be accurate.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

A non-zero capacity or type of BatteryType::ICR18650_26H/BatteryType::UR18650ZY should have been specified when Mainboard::init was called, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

Battery temperature measurement must be enabled prior calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

This function can block for 100 ms.


  • celsius [out] Measured battery temperature in celsius.


Returns Result::Ok if the battery temperature was measured successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result setBatteryLowVoltageAlarm(uint16_t voltage)


Set an alarm for battery low voltage.


If battery voltage is less than the set voltage, the ALARM pin is pulled low.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

A non-zero capacity or type of BatteryType::ICR18650_26H/BatteryType::UR18650ZY should have been specified when Mainboard::init was called, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

The battery fuel gauge must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.


  • voltage [in] The voltage at which the low voltage alarm will trigger in millivolts (mV), from 2500 mV to 5000 mV. If zero, triggering of the alarm is disabled and any existing low voltage alarm is cleared.


Returns Result::Ok if the battery low voltage alarm was set successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result setBatteryHighVoltageAlarm(uint16_t voltage)


Set an alarm for battery high voltage.


If battery voltage is more than the set voltage, the ALARM pin is pulled low.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

A non-zero capacity or type of BatteryType::ICR18650_26H/BatteryType::UR18650ZY should have been specified when Mainboard::init was called, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

The battery fuel gauge must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.


  • voltage [in] The voltage at which the high voltage alarm will trigger in millivolts (mV), from 2500 mV to 5000 mV. If zero, triggering of the alarm is disabled and any existing high voltage alarm is cleared.


Returns Result::Ok if the battery high voltage alarm was set successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result setBatteryLowChargeAlarm(uint8_t percent)


Set an alarm for battery low charge.


If battery charge is less than the set percentage, the ALARM pin is pulled low.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

A non-zero capacity or type of BatteryType::ICR18650_26H/BatteryType::UR18650ZY should have been specified when Mainboard::init was called, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

The battery fuel gauge must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.


  • percent [in] The percentage at which the low charge alarm will trigger in percent, from 1% to 100%. If zero, triggering of the alarm is disabled and any existing low charge alarm is cleared.


Returns Result::Ok if the battery low charge alarm was set successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

Result updateBatteryFuelGaugeTemp(float temperature)


Update fuel guage with measured battery temperature.


In order to increase fuel gauge accuracy, you can update the fuel gauge with the battery temperature obtained from getBatteryTemperature() or other sources.

VSQT must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

A non-zero capacity or type of BatteryType::ICR18650_26H/BatteryType::UR18650ZY should have been specified when Mainboard::init was called, else Result::InvalidState is returned.

The battery fuel gauge must be enabled prior to calling this function, else Result::InvalidState is returned.


  • temperature [in] The temperature of the battery cell.


Returns Result::Ok if the fuel gauge's battery temperature has been update successfully; returns a value other than Result::Ok if not.

extern Mainboard &Board

Singleton instance of Mainboard.